Brady and Sara Turner

Mark's Sauna

Here we have a garage sauna built by Brady in 2022 with wood from Simulas. The large A&S stove is dual purpose — along with the sauna, it heats the woodworking garage at large, with wood scraps naturally funneling into the stove. The 5 man sauna heats in an hour.

One interesting feature here is the shower. It has one temperature, which is configured near the water boiler in the house. The standing water in the pipe is colder, which fits Brady’s preference so he showers first. Once he’s done the water is warmer and fits the preference of the rest of his family.

The sauna will likely continue to undergo improvements one project at a time. In fall of 2024, a large patio was poured out back of the sauna, which will eventually be a woodshed.

This sauna is fired frequently in the winter, but not often in the summer, due to the fact that both of their parents have saunas on the lake.

Mark's Sauna